What does it mean to be an Independent Scentsy Consultant?
As a Scentsy Independent Consultant, you are an independent business owner authorized to sell Scentsy products for a commission. You have the freedom to control when and where you work your business, and can increase your commission by selling more product or earning residual income from friends and family you’ve recruited to join your team.
Click here and you will be taken directly to the registration page. Please note that you will need a debit or credit card to pay for your Starter Kit.
What does the Starter Kit include?
The Starter Kit includes everything you need to start your Scentsy business: a best-selling Warmer, more than 80 scented wax testers, catalogs, order forms, three months of your own PWS, product samples and more. (Contents may vary.)
How much does it cost to become a Scentsy Consultant?
You only need to pay the current price of the Starter Kit (plus local tax and shipping) to join Scentsy, and you’ll get a Starter Kit full of valuable business tools and product samples.
What are the requirements for joining?
You must be the legal age or age of majority in your state of residence at the time of enrollment. You must be a legal resident of the country where you want to enroll and have a valid Personal Identification Number (like a Social Security number or Employee Identification Number). You must also accept the Independent Consultant Agreement (ICA) and purchase the Starter Kit.
How does Scentsy calculate commissions?
Consultants earn 20 percent on the first 1,000 points in Personal Retail Volume (PRV) and 25 percent on PRV after that, plus up to a 9 percent bonus on Personal Wholesale Volume based on rank and a 5 percent bonus when sales exceed 2,500 points in PRV in any given month. In addition to the commission you earn on your sales, you can earn multiple bonuses based on your team performance.
Personal Retail Volume is the point value of commissionable products you sell. PRV is a global point system convertible to local currency using a price/earnings to growth ratio (PEG rate).
What are the monthly sales requirements for Scentsy Consultants?
Scentsy Consultants must generate sales resulting in 250 points or more in PRV in at least one month within any continuous twelve-month period. The 250 points in PRV can come from individual customer orders, party orders or online orders made through your Personal Website (PWS).
Do I need to place my orders with a credit or debit card?
All payments from Consultants to Scentsy must be made via credit card or debit card; however, you may accept payment from customers in whatever form you choose. Scentsy does not accept cash, money orders or cheques. If a customer pays with a cheque, it must be made out to the Consultant.
Do I have to sponsor other Consultants?
No. However, Consultants who sponsor new team members are more successful: They earn more PRV and are about 60 percent more likely to stay with Scentsy long term!
What if I have questions or need help?
We always recommend starting with your Sponsor or your team. They’re a valuable resource. The home office provides numerous training opportunities and online tools. Consultant Support is also available Tuesday through Saturday to help you with anything you might need. All of us at Scentsy will be with you every step of the way.
How can I sell Scentsy products?
Scentsy is built off the party plan. You can hold in-home parties, basket parties, open houses or online parties, and you may also take orders through your Personal Website.
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