If you had told me a few years ago, that I would travel the world, sharing world class products and showing others how to live the lives they’ve always wanted, I would have said you were out of your mind. Totally bonkers!
Chronically ill, struggling with PTSD and being neurodivergent, working a job I hated simply to pay those bills and feeling stuck in the 9 to 5 rat race, life changed in an instant when my best friend passed away suddenly from ovarian cancer (sidenote: familiarise yourself with the symptoms! It saves lives). Devastated, all the colour in my world left with her and I shrank away from the world and from life.
What does one do when their life is turned upside down? I realised that life is short, Lou would have wanted me to live my best life and little did I realise that her death would result in changing my life’s direction entirely.
Sick of being undervalued, underpaid and overworked, I quit my job a few months later and enrolled in study to become a therapist the following year. Phew, talk about terrifying! I was now an unemployed student…
Destiny would have me attend a friend’s Scentsy party a few weeks later where my love affair with all things fragrance bloomed. Having lost everything to a candle fire due to a freak chain of events years ago, Scentsy’s safety features grabbed me hook, line and sinker – sharing these products could ensure someone else didn’t experience the pain of losing it all.
I learned that Scentsy was mere weeks into its Australian launch and although, I had no experience running my own business, my circle of friends was small and with absolutely not a clue of what I was doing, I purchased a business in a box: my starter kit.
Sharing Scentsy wasn’t difficult. My passion for all things fragrance became infectious and soon enough, everyone wanted what I had – a life that smelt incredible! Even my husband Rob couldn’t resist.
My goal was to make extra income and allow me to contribute to my household whilst I studied. The reality is that it turned out to be so much more than that. Scentsy is so much more than just warmers and wax, it has given my life purpose again!
10 years later, I’m sharing world class products, traveling the world (for free!) and showing others how to live the lives they’ve always wanted.
Scentsy has awoken the adventurer in me, taking me (and my husband, Rob) to several bucket list locations such as the US, Mexico, Singapore, Spain, Italy, France and Fiji. Where will we go next?
A leader within this prestigious company, I relish the opportunity to coach and mentor others to reach for their dreams and find success. I’ve grown and stretched in ways I’d never imagined, some of which includes presenting at our annual conference – not bad for a person with shocking social anxiety and stage fright!
And most of all, I’ve found lifelong friendships that have healed and empowered!
These are the things that dreams are made of…but it’s real. You just have to reach out, take it and believe that you can!
Let Scentsy change your life.
No matter where you are in the world, I can’t wait to hear from you!
Jo Andreacchio