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Candy Apple Scentsy Brick


This product is no longer available.

Product Description

Treat yourself to the Candy Apple Scentsy Brick this month, and your home will smell scent-sational throughout the holiday season! Fragranced with warm oats, brown sugar, and a swirl of cinnamon spice, this limited-edition wax melt reminds us of all things Christmas! It’s the ideal gift for those who adore fruity-festive fragrances, but it is only available while stocks last, so be sure to order yours today!

The Candy Apple Scentsy Brick is almost six times bigger than a standard Scentsy Bar, so it could fragrance your living spaces for months. Use it with your favourite Scentsy Warmer or Mini Warmer to bring a touch of festive charm to office environments, retail outlets, and family living spaces.

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