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Jo Andreacchio
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Jo Andreacchio
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Perfect Scentsy - $85 Warmers


Shop and save with the Perfect Scentsy $85 Warmer Package, including two of our top-of-the-range Scentsy Warmers and six Scentsy Wax Bars.


Product Description

Shop and save with the Perfect Scentsy $85 Warmer Package. Including two of our top-of-the-range Scentsy Warmers and six Scentsy Wax Bars, this bumper bundle has everything you need to adorn your workplace and home with Scentsy fragrance.

A wonderful introduction to our new Scentsy Collection, the Perfect Scentsy $85 Warmer Package will allow you to update your interiors with the very latest wax warmer models. You could go for gold with the Gilded Scentsy Warmer or go for glitz with the Bright Like a Diamond Scentsy Warmer, or why not take one of both! And don’t forget your six Scentsy Wax Bars – we’ve got some fabulous new fragrances for you to try.

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