Jo Andreacchio
Jo Andreacchio
Jo Andreacchio's Online Store

Special Delivery Warmer Lid

Original price was: $42.00.Current price is: $37.80.

This limited edition piece is beautifully hand-painted in the brightest of greens and includes star-shaped cut-outs in keeping with the festive theme.

SKU: 40015 Category:

Product Description

Designed to add a festive touch to the Red Retro Truck Warmer, Scentsy’s Special Delivery Warmer Lid is a fabulous Christmas-tree-shaped lid. This limited edition piece is beautifully hand-painted in the brightest of greens and includes star-shaped cut-outs in keeping with the festive theme.

The Special Delivery Warmer Lid sits neatly on the back of the Red Retro Truck Warmer, allowing your favourite Scentsy fragrance to through. When the festivities are over, you can remove and stash it somewhere safe until next Christmas and continue to use your retro wax warmer to scent your smaller spaces throughout the year.

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