Jo Andreacchio
Jo Andreacchio
Jo Andreacchio's Online Store


Twiggy the Turtle Buddy Clip


This product is no longer available.

Product Description

Do your kids prefer to live life in the slow lane? Then speed them up with the promise of Twiggy the Turtle Buddy Clip, and they’ll be dressed and ready for school in no time. A fabulous new addition to Scentsy’s Buddy Clip Collection, Twiggy features a clip for attachment to school bags and almost any other item, and she is beautifully fragranced with Sunkissed Citrus scented beads.

A lovely birthday gift for kids of every age, Twiggy the Turtle Scentsy Buddy Clip features a plush turtle teddy bear that was made for cuddles. She’s the perfect travel companion, and she makes bedtimes a lot less stressful. Kids sleep sweeter with this gorgeous scented buddy clip.

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