I received my Scentsy Washer Whiffs in Coconut Cotton fragrance the other day and to say I was excited to do the laundry, is an understatement. Your what, you ask? Washer Whiffs, my friend - if you don't know what these are, let me introduce you to the best thing to happen in laundry since the Sard Wonderstick!
Scentsy Washer Whiffs are heavily fragranced yet small, water soluble and bio-degradable salt crystals (safe for all septic systems and grey water safe!) that you add directly into the drum of your washing machine with the laundry at the start of the cycle. They do not have cleaning properties, so you use your washing detergent as normal. Oh yes, Scentsy has a Laundry Liquid fragrance to match your Washer Whiffs! Say what?
In each tub, there's a scoop - pop one scoop in the drum of your washing machine prior to starting the cycle. Personally, I find around a tablespoon of Whiffs is sufficient for a load of washing - I use slightly more (1 scoop) when I wash my towels and bed linen, purely because I like a stronger fragrance on these items. Nothing better than getting into bed and as you fluff the quilt, you get a waft of fragrance. Ahhhhh, so clean, so comforting!
And if you are like me - you're busy, you work crazy hours, lots of things on the go and have a tendency to forget things - then our Scentsy Washer Whiffs are going to save your bacon when you're sitting on the couch, 10 o'clock at night and remember you have washing in the machine. No manky smell, no need to rewash, just hang straight on the line or pop it straight in the dryer. Crazy, huh?
The uses don't stop there though. My clients are a pretty resourceful and creative bunch with several taking it one step further: they pop a scoop in their mop bucket to wash their floors. Tell me, who doesn't want their home to smell amazing after they've mopped the floors? I was a bit sceptical so mopped my hard wood floors with impressive results. French Lavender is by far my favourite fragrance for washing my floors! One client said she decided to suck some up with her Dyson with fantastic results - no more musty smell in the vac and it freshens the house while she vacuums!
Scentsy Washer Whiffs are a fantastic laundry product, that are hugely potent in giving your clothes and linen a “must- smell” scent, as well as the creative alternatives for their Whiffs that my clients have tried.
Purchase yours now in the online store. Our Scentsy Washer Whiffs come in a 454g jar for $24. If you're super addicted or do a lot of laundry, go for the 1.36kg tub for $58 or better yet, you can save 10% when you bundle 1 x Scentsy Washer Whiffs tub, 1 x Scentsy Laundry Liquid or box of Scentsy Suds and 1 x Dryer Disks in the fragrance of your choice for the discounted price of $93.60.
Jo Andreacchio
Mobile: 0407 776 830
Email: jo@waxmelts.com.au
Phone: 1800 196 428