Jo Andreacchio
Jo Andreacchio
Jo Andreacchio's Online Store


July 20, 2019
Can I use Scentsy wax in my oil burner?

A question I hear frequently and my answer is always the same: Not on your life, Jack! And here's why! Back in the day, in the infancy of my consultancy, I said to my husband Rob, that Scentsy wax is made specifically to go with Scentsy warmers. Our warmers and wax are synergistic - they […]

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May 18, 2018
25 Tips to Build Your Scentsy Business!

It doesn't matter how long you've been a consultant, whether it be a week or a year, there will always be times where our business growth slows and we feel that we (and our business) is in a rut. Perhaps you're thinking that this business isn't for you or you feel it's not worth the […]

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March 31, 2018
How to Change Scentsy Wax Easily!

Scentsy Wax Bars are a wee bit addictive. You can never have enough - well, that’s what I tell myself. Swapping out scents, mixing fragrances together to impatience in wanting to try something new, changing our wax is part of life for all Scentsy fans. I often hear from customers that they’re not entirely sure […]

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December 23, 2016
Spring Cleaning

It's that time of the year again to start thinking about spring cleaning, which means some serious decluttering, reorganization, scrubbing and polishing.

Back in the day, people kept their houses shut tight during winter. Before central and electric heating, homes were heated with coal, oil or wood. Over the course of the colder months, these heating methods created a residue buildup of soot, oil and dust throughout the home. [...]

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April 29, 2016
What are Washer Whiffs?

I received my Scentsy Coconut Cotton Washer Whiffs the other day and to say I was excited to do the laundry, is an understatement. Your what, you ask? Washer Whiffs, my friend - if you don't know what these are, let me introduce you to the best thing to happen in laundry since the Sard Wonderstick!

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April 22, 2016
5 uses for a Scentsy Scent Pak!

While Scentsy's main centrepiece for showcasing fragrance is the Scentsy Warmers and Scentsy Bars, our Scent Paks are definitely gaining traction and popularity in fragrancing parts of the home where a power point may not be accessible. Our Scentsy Scent Paks are small fabric pillows filled with highly fragranced yet

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